Для перегляду журналів у Windows відсутня Linux команда tail.
Можна створити bat скрипт tail.bat на кшталт:
@echo off
rem tail.bat -d <lines> <file>
rem tail.bat -f <file>
rem ****** MAIN ******
IF "%1"=="-d" GOTO displayfile
IF "%1"=="-f" GOTO followfile
GOTO end
rem ************
rem Show Last n lines of file
rem ************
SET skiplines=%2
SET sourcefile=%3
rem *** Get the current line count of file ***
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3,3 delims= " %%l IN (`find /c /v "" %sourcefile%`) DO (call SET find_lc=%%l)
rem *** Calculate the lines to skip
SET /A skiplines=%find_lc%-!skiplines!
rem *** Display to screen line needed
more +%skiplines% %sourcefile%
GOTO end
rem ************
rem Show Last n lines of file & follow output
rem ************
SET skiplines=0
SET findend_lc=0
SET sourcefile=%2
rem *** Get the current line count of file ***
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3,3 delims= " %%l IN (`find /c /v "" %sourcefile%`) DO (call SET find_lc=%%l)
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3,3 delims= " %%l IN (`find /c /v "" %sourcefile%`) DO (call SET findend_lc=%%l)
rem *** Calculate the lines to skip
SET /A skiplines=%findend_lc%-%find_lc%
SET /A skiplines=%find_lc%-%skiplines%
rem *** Display to screen line when file updated
more +%skiplines% %sourcefile%
goto followloop
Пораду знайшов у
Там же є ще один варіант tail.bat
REM tail.bat
REM Usage: tail.bat <file> <number-of-lines>
REM Examples: tail.bat myfile.txt 10
REM tail.bat "C:\My File\With\Spaces.txt" 10
for /f "tokens=2-3 delims=:" %%f in ('find /c /v "" %1') do (
for %%F in (%%f %%g) do set nbLines=%%F )
set /a nbSkippedLines=%nbLines%-%2
for /f "usebackq skip=%nbSkippedLines% delims=" %%d in (%1) do echo %%d
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