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Показано дописи з міткою "tail"

Команда tail у Windows (DOS)

Для перегляду журналів у Windows відсутня Linux команда tail. Можна створити bat скрипт tail.bat на кшталт:  @echo off SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION rem tail.bat -d <lines> <file> rem tail.bat -f <file> rem ****** MAIN ****** IF "%1"=="-d" GOTO displayfile IF "%1"=="-f" GOTO followfile GOTO end rem ************ rem Show Last n lines of file rem ************ :displayfile SET skiplines=%2 SET sourcefile=%3 rem *** Get the current line count of file *** FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3,3 delims= " %%l IN (`find /c /v "" %sourcefile%`) DO (call SET find_lc=%%l) rem *** Calculate the lines to skip SET /A skiplines=%find_lc%-!skiplines! rem *** Display to screen line needed more +%skiplines% %sourcefile% GOTO end rem ************ rem Show Last n lines of file & follow output rem ************ :followfile SET skiplines=0 SET findend_lc=0 SET sourcefile=%2 :followloop rem *** Get the current...